I am Artúr Andrási a Hungarian graphic designer, graduated from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK). I create research-based educational design tools which are reflecting on social, political and cultural subjects. My work often includes humour and irony to provoke the audience to conflict with their views and move them out of their comfort zone. I’m passionate about motion graphics and typography. For any potentital collaboration feel free to reach out to me.
Mail: info@arturandrasi.com
Phone: +31 (0) 6 83417103
Instagram: arturandrasi
I could argue with that is a political board game. When playing the game you are assigned to a political party. You might not support those views, regardless you have to defend and argue based on that political ideology. Make sure to stay true to your assigned role, but use your personal interpretation, express your thoughts, try to push the boundaries and provoke others.
Photos by Liza Szabó
Year: 2019
The Non Conformist Oath places us in a dystopia, where Euroscepticism and segregation have taken over the lead in politics. Signing this Oath, countries who wish to separate join powers to collaborate in an independent, nationalistic group that denies compromises made for unity, common policies or standardized systems. Individualism is key. National values at first. They don’t fight for common ground, they protect the motherland.
Photos by Liza Szabó
Dimension: 20*26cm
Year: 2018
El Nadeem Centre is an Egyptian NGO supporting victims of torture and
detention. In 2016 they were nominated for the Human Right Tulip Awards, an award for human rights defenders donated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. We were commissioned by the Ministry to make a video about the work of these NGO. We created a chronological story collage from reports about the issue, and tell this story in a typographic film.
Collaboration with Nóra Békés, Marika Seo & Natalia Vishnevska
Year: 2016
#women2drive is a hashtag used to discuss the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia. It was used on Twitter by both people aiming to lift the ban and those wanting to keep it. The book serves as a data visualization showing the sheer volume of tweets made since 2011, how they are distributed over the last 7 years, illustrating the discussion and the opinions changing over the years, before and after the ban was lifted.
The project was developed for the exhibition Models for Humanity. An exhibition of 21 projects developed during a semester-long collaboration between the Graphic Design department and the Dutch section of Amnesty International. The exhibition was on display during the 2018 Ambassador of Conscience Award festivities at Theater Amsterdam and opened by King Willem-Alexander.
Models for Humanity was supervised by Lauren Alexander, Vit Ruller and Niels Schrader from the Graphic Design department at the Royal Academy of Art, and greatly supported by Maarten Beckers from Amnesty International.
Collaboration with Greta Radzevičiūtė
The book was bound at Bronsgeest-HABI, The Hague, NL
Photos by Liza Szabó and Roel Backaert
Dimension: 42*30*19cm
Year: 2018
Colour conflict is a project on colour studies, approaching the subject using three different mediums: photography, graphics and video.
Year: 2017
Renewed pocketbook design for the classic story by William Godling.
Photos by Liza Szabó
Dimension: 19x11cm
Year: 2016
A three-dimensional modular letter game, inspired by architecture.
Created with the aim of exploring the shapes and elements of the letters moving away from the flat surface.
Photos by Liza Szabó
Year: 2016
Montbard is a revival of a historic renaissance typeface.
It is based on a typeface found in a French pocketbook,
printed in the 16th century. I wanted to
keep the rough and robust characteristic
while refreshing the design and digitalizing it in order to renew the typeface and place it in a contemporary environment.
During my process, I designed the lowercase set, the rest of the typeface is currently in progress.
Year: 2017
Anti Ransomware is an opening title for a fictional series.
I am inspired by opening titles, so I decided to create a fictional show,
personalizing the Kaspersky software, placing it in a classical crime plot.
The video was based on commonly used visuals of the genre.
Year: 2016
A letter game focusing on white space. The aim of the design is to deconstruct the letters as far as regular shapes are recognizable. In the game, players have to organize them keeping the white space between them as even as possible.
Collaboration with Theresa Scherrer and Hugo Dumont
Photos by Liza Szabó
Dimension: 23x15cm
Year: 2017
In the time of migration, cultures and nations are mixing in Europe. Based on the population of each country I combined national flags showing the conflict of the national identities and representing the new, emerging European population.
Year: 2015